abk – Stuttgart State Academy of Art and Design /
Sculpture classes with Professor Mariella Mosler and Professor Udo Koch
Against a conceptual background, both sculpture classes focus on plastic and spatial processes of form. While the individual praxis of artistic projects is developed in the context of contemporary art production. Since 2015, Koch and Mosler are jointly pursuing artistic projects in landscapes as well as urban space. In the context of CURRENT, the ongoing collaboration between both classes, examine and discuss the possibilities and potentials of art for public space in Stuttgart.
Partaking students:
Yamo Aydemir, Chris Binder, Gabriella Bakos, Johannes Bienefeld, Marie David, Markus Gehrig, Sara Hernandez, Dana Kast, Holger Krekeler, Christopher Lampert, Pauline Landos, Paulina Lange, Xingying Li, Sofia Mobilia, Felix Mohr, Michelle Mousavi, Nina Nielebock, Anita Rafuna, Carmen Weber, Leonie Weber, SUPERVIVAZ, ZAMAL