ENBW-Terrain Hackstraße 31 70190 Stuttgart
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09. September 2021 / 00:00 — 00:00
The Ungovernable Structure is at once, a speculative research, an installation project and a radical design approach by the artist collective HONF, based on emerging technologies and living organisms. As an open research project rooted in principles of DIY & DIWO (Do It Yourself & Do It With Others) the resulting insights are open-source, and freely accessible for further development and adaptation by anyone interested. ...
11. September 2021 / 20:00 — 21:00
freedom of living things (folt) is an experimental performance project, blending electronic music, mechatronics and BioArt. The performance questions the human tendency towards the domination of all things within Earth’s system, especially in relation to development and ecosystem changes. ...