Wartbergpark 70191 Stuttgart
The installation Nightcaps by Alona Rodeh can be found around the Egelsee and along the Straßburger Weg.
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09. September 2021 / 00:00 — 00:00
The installment of street lights in the 18th century achieved two interrelated goals: it reduced people's fear of darkness and expanded the time span of economic activities. Today, half of the world’s population, and with it animals and insects, live under the influence of intense artificial lighting. If artificial light is scattered at a certain angle, it disturbs the behavior of insects, birds and humans. In Nightcaps, Alona Rodeh questions the role that artificial lighting plays in the disruption of human and animal circadian rhythms, insomnia, fear of darkness–and the very regulations ensuring its disappearance. ...
10. September 2021 / 20:30 — 21:30
The evening tour is a walk through Wartberg Park, where prototypes conceived by the artist can be discovered–Nightcaps that look at the urban park and its surroundings through the historical and optical lens of light, shadow and darkness. ...