11. September 2021 / 00:00 — 20:00
The artists approach the investigation of territories through shared moments and movements, experimenting with drawing formats, manners and the evocative potential of storytelling. This collectively produced language attempts to make visible the multiplicity, diversity and complexity of interactions between species, and ultimately countering the hegemonic narratives of urban space in order to imagine more liveable worlds.
The project takes its inspiration from the bestiary (lat. bestiarium), an illustrated compendium with origins in ancient Greece, that describes various real and fictional species, often accompanying them with a moral lesson, transmitting the message that every living thing has its own special meaning. The ongoing bestiary that they propose underscores the presence of agents, both human and non-human, encountered along the inner-city highway B14 in Stuttgart, expressing the various range of logics, behaviours, paces and destinations. It wishes to reveal and to open up a dialogue with animals, lichens, asphalt, motors, microparticules, but also with a variety of people and their feelings. A contribution to the collective intelligence of a territory, Bestiarium14 works towards an alliance between the living species that design and inhabit the urban landscape, an ecological solidarity, to face together the challenges of the coming decades.
– gathering: 11.09.2021 / 4 – 8 pm
– excursion: 16.09.2021 / 10 – 4 pm
– excursion: 17.09.2021 / 10 – 4 pm
– gathering: 17.09.2021 / 5 – 7 pm
– excursion: 18.09.2021 / 10 – 4 pm
– gathering: 18.09.2021 / 5 – 7 pm
– Excursion: 19.09.2021 / 10 – 4 pm
Please register for the excursions in advance.
Arrive prepared for the six-hour walk with the artist collective: sturdy shoes, food and sun/rain protection are a must. Unfortunately the excursions are not barrier-free.